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Teleport Research
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WTA has been helping its members aim higher since our founding in 1985. Today, we are the leading advocate and partner in growth for teleport operators. Our best-practice and market reports, drawn from the real world-experience of member companies, keep them up to date on technology change and its profound business and market impacts. All reports and papers are available free to members of WTA and are also available for purchase by non-members.


Current Reports:

Ground Segment for the VHTS Generation


AI in the Teleport: The Next Bubble or the Next Great Innovation?


The Year of the NGSOs


SD-WAN for Competitive Advantage and Revenue Growth


The Teleport Business Model in a Software-Driven World


Designing the Software-Defined Ground Segment of the Future

More Reports

WTA's annual survey of how teleport operators rate their satellite operator vendors on commercial and technical performance, available free to members.
Sizing the Teleport Market | Inside the Top Operators
Automating the Teleport Reducing the Energy Load Understanding and Improving the ROI of VSAT Networks Managing VSAT Networks for Optimum Performance Best Practices in Buying Satellite Antennas and the RF Chain Best Practices in Broadcast Playout How to Deliver High Quality of Service 24/7/365 How to Buy Satellite Capacity How to Reduce Costs and Optimize Use of the Local Loop Best Practices in Satellite Capacity Contracts High-Performance Series (from Certification) Measuring Quality in Teleport Operations High Performance: Service Continuity High Performance: Service Management High Performance: Safety and Security
Teleport Opportunities 2018 (Survey Report) Core Capabilities for Digital Inclusion Core Capabilities for Competing in Mobile The OTT Video Distribution Opportunity The Internet of Things Opportunity for Teleports Teleports and Big Data The Risks and Rewards of Delivering Complex Network Services Core Capabilities for Serving Transportation Markets Profiting from High-Throughput Services
The FourNines series of reports identify best practices in teleport operations, technology and business practices, from buying transmission capacity to managing operations, available free to members.
Insights from the annual ranking of the Top Operators.
WTA's exclusive research and snapshots of the business, from Sizing the Teleport Market to the annual Inside the Top Operators reports, available free to members.
The FutureTech series of reports explore the impact on service providers of developments from Ka-band to interactive television, available free to members.
WTA's annual report on buying preferences and practices, based on interviews with teleport customers in major vertical markets, available free to members.
WTA is also publishing a series of case studies profiling the innovative solutions being implemented by WTA members in support of their customers around the world.
Research, Case Studies and White Papers submitted by WTA Member Companies.
The Teleport Awards are an annual tribute to outstanding achievement by the Independent Operator, Corporate Operator, Executive and Technology of the Year. The Teleport Awards will be presented during an invitational luncheon for 150 guests during the SATELLITE conference.
The World Teleport Association’s Dialogue Series provides WTA members with opportunities to share their viewpoints, experience and technical knowledge with a global audience.
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