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Become a Member
Who Should Join?

Membership in WTA is for:

  • Teleport operators and developers
  • Satellite carriers and other companies for which teleports are a channel to market
  • Companies that sell to teleport and satellite operators
Dues and Payment Methods
Type of Organization

Annual Dues

Regular Membership
Revenues less than US$20 million and nonprofits * ◊


Revenues US$20-70 million


Revenues greater than US$70 million


Industry Patrons


Industry Leaders


Wholly-owned subsidiaries pay at parent company rate
* State-owned research, development, telecom, and technology companies pay corporate rates, irrespective of their nonprofit status or ownership by government


Must provide verifiable proof of revenue


Applications must be accompanied by payment of the first year’s dues, which may be paid by check (payable to "World Teleport Association"), credit card or electronic funds transfer. To pay by credit card, please complete the credit card information in the membership application. For funds transfers, please send an email to WTA's Membership Director requesting the bank transfer information.



  • Download our membership application as a Microsoft Word form. Save it to your computer, then complete the form and email it to the Membership Director.
  • Open our membership application in PDF format. Print it, complete and fax to +1 212-825-0075.
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